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Office of Planning

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E.g., 06/30/2024
E.g., 06/30/2024

On February 7, 2023, the DC Council unanimously voted to approve the Pennsylvania Avenue East Small Area Plan.


A historic landmark amendment nomination for the National Museum of Natural History , 10th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW, Case 23-03, was filed by the owner The Smithsonian Institution in FY 2022.

Case 23-03

A historic landmark nominaiton for the Marist College (Marist Hall), 405 Fort Slemmer Drive NE (3875 Harewood Road NE), Case 23-02, was filed by the DC Preservation League in FY 2023.

Case 23-02

The nomination includes Batteries Kemble and Ricketts; Forts Bayard, Bunker Hill, Carroll, Chaplin, Davis, DeRussy, Dupont, Greble, Lincoln, Mahan, Reno, Slocum, Stanton, Stevens, and Totten; and connecting park system.


An amendment nomination for the Folger Shakespeare Library (additional documentation and boundary alterations); Hartman-Cox Addition (exterior and interior spaces including Board Reading Room), 201 East Capitol Street SE, was submitted by the DC Preservation League in FY 2022.

Case 22-16


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