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Office of Planning

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OP Divisions

Office of the Director

The staff within the Office of the Director lead in developing the agency’s strategic priorities and oversee key functions including agency operations, communications, human resources, legal and legislative affairs, and financial management.

Planning and Data Visualization

Citywide Planning

The Citywide Planning team researches policies and develops strategies that advance District priorities like racial equity, resilience, affordability, and mobility when planning for housing, economic development, and public facilities. The team uses this expertise to lead the District's Comprehensive Plan, which guides the city’s long-term growth.

Neighborhood Planning

The Neighborhood Planning team produces plans, studies, and resources to implement the District’s land use polices at the neighborhood level. These products include small area plans, design guidelines, visioning documents, and public space strategies. The team approaches each plan through a racial equity lens, which centers people who have been harmed by racism.

Data Analysis and Visualization

The Data Analysis and Visualization team provides spatial, demographic, housing, social and economic data and analysis to support planning and policy decision-making processes now and in the future. The team serves as the District’s State Data Center, which is the official source of Census data for the District.

Development, Design and Preservation

Urban Design

The Urban Design team supports high-quality, people-centered design in the District from the site level to the city scale. This team provides its expertise through project review, design policy, and placemaking initiatives. The team coordinates closely with agency partners and communities to realize public spaces and developments that are inclusive, accessible, and respect the character of the nation's capital city.

Development Review

The Development Review team provides analysis and recommendations to the Zoning Commission and the Board of Zoning Adjustment. The team manages proposals to change the zoning map in a manner consistent with the District’s Comprehensive Plan and neighborhood level Small Area Plans, as well as proposals to update the zoning regulations to align with District policies and priorities.

Historic Preservation

The Historic Preservation Office promotes preservation of the District’s historic and cultural resources through planning, protection, and public education. The team supports redevelopment and reuse of historic properties through design review and technical assistance to property owners. As the District’s State Historic Preservation Office under federal law, the team conducts survey and planning to identify and recognize historic properties, advises on government projects, promotes access to financial incentives, and protects archaeological resources.

Food Policy

The Food Policy team conducts research, engages with residents, and collaborates with other DC agencies to create a more just, healthy, and sustainable food system in the District. The team leads the DC Food Policy Council, a Mayoral Board of experts in the DC food system. The Council is focused on making nutrition programs more accessible, building connections between urban agriculture and affordable housing, supporting DC’s food as medicine programs, expanding and promoting resources for locally owned food businesses, and increasing sustainability of government-purchased foods.