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Office of Planning

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The District’s success as a sustainable, economically vibrant city is built in large part on the variety of transportation choices we offer to residents, workers, students, and visitors. Whether by car, Metro, bus, bike, or on foot—or soon by streetcar—the District of Columbia offers a wide range of options for getting around. This luxury of choice translates into cost savings and more economic opportunity for residents. Because more than 37 percent of District households do not own a car, they are able to save thousands of dollars per year on transportation costs.

The Office of Planning’s Transportation program focuses on coordinating land use planning and zoning with improvements to our transportation system. OP advises the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) and other transportation planning agencies on the potential land use impacts of transportation investments, and searches for ways to better integrate transportation infrastructure with development throughout the city. Transportation infrastructure can be costly, and OP continually looks for ways that the city can provide services more efficiently and maximize the return on our infrastructure investments. OP also considers how new street and transit improvements can add to the character of the city, making neighborhoods and commercial districts more walkable, bikeable, and improving the beauty and vitality of our streetscapes.

For more information, contact Kristin Calkins, Senior Transportation planner, at (202) 442-8812 or [email protected].