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Reports 2012

April 2012 Senior Villages in DC

This report aims to provide updates on senior village development in the Nation’s Capital since 2008; provide demographics on the senior population within villages, as well as District-wide; and explore what may lie ahead for District seniors.

December 2012 Households and Families District of Columbia 2010

This report was prepared using data derived from the household relationship question on the 2010 Census and presents information on the number and types of living arrangements of District of Columbia households in 2010, including unmarried partner households.

District of Columbia Black Population Demographic Characteristics

This table presents selected District of Columbia total population and Black population demographic characteristics for 2010.

Domestic Migration Patterns in the District of Columbia 2009-2010

In 2009-2010, of the District’s 9,495 total population growth, domestic migration contributed 1,807 persons.

July 2012 Understanding the American Community Survey Data

The purpose of this report is to provide data users with some guidelines on the interpretation and use of the American Community Survey (ACS) data.

November 2012 District Residents Health Insurance Coverage 2000-2010

This report presents data on health insurance coverage for District of Columbia (District) residents and some national comparisons for the period 2000-2010. This data was obtained from information collected by the U.S. Census Bureau in several issues of their Current Population Survey (CPS) and Annual Social and Economic Supplements (ASEC).

October 2012 Employment Characteristics of All People Who Work in DC 2010

This report focuses on the data produced by the US Census Bureau, Center for Ecomimic Development (CED), Local Employment Dynamics (LED) OnTheMap tool for the District of Columbia in 2010 for all jobs.

Older Population Dependency Ratio 1970-2010 An Indicator of Economic Health in the District

Dependency ratios point out broad trends in social support needs by examining the possible effects that occur as the population age structure changes.