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How to Participate in the HPRB Review Process

The Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) holds open public meetings to designate historic property and evaluate the compatibility of proposed construction affecting historic landmarks and districts. Anyone is welcome to submit written comments or participate in the meetings without signing up in advance.

Step One

Read posted public notice placards on the site of proposed construction affecting historic properties or areas. Consult or subscribe to the monthly public notice issued by the Historic Preservation Office (HPO) for a list of cases that may be considered at the upcoming HPRB meeting.

Step Two

Consult designation applications posted on the HPO website, or contact HPO staff for information about a specific project filed for review. Applications and their associated materials are a matter of public record. Case files are available on the HPO HPRB and CFA project drawings page, for assistance locating a case feel please send an email to [email protected] with the property address and case number.

Step Three

Attend Advisory Neighborhood Commission or other community meetings for presentations on historic designations or projects that may affect your neighborhood.

Step Four

Review the HPRB agenda and staff report posted on this website by the end of the day on the Friday before the HPRB meeting. Email subscribers receive an announcement of this posting.

Step Five

Submit written comments to HPRB before the meeting date, or contact the assigned HPO staff member for specific questions about the case.

Step Six

View the HPRB meeting on live video, or attend the meeting to provide comments in person.