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Office of Planning

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ANC Participation in the HPRB Review Process

The Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) welcomes and encourages Advisory Neighborhood Commission participation in the historic preservation review process. HPRB gives great weight to duly adopted ANC views on matters of significance to neighborhood planning and development.

Step One

Check the public notice that the Historic Preservation Office (HPO) emails to all ANC offices and commissioners at least 15 days before a scheduled HPRB meeting. This is usually at the beginning of the second week of the month. Placards posted on the affected property give additional public notice. If necessary, contact the assigned HPO staff person for project applicant contact information.

Step Two

Identify any cases on the monthly notice that the ANC wants to review. If the case is not already scheduled for the following month to give a 45-day notice period, contact HPO in writing to request an extension to the following month. Requests are granted automatically and may be made by email to the assigned staff person or to They should be made as soon as possible, but no later than two days before the upcoming HPRB meeting. ANCs do not need to contact HPO about projects that are already scheduled to allow a 45-day review period, or that they have already reviewed.

Step Three

Consult informally with HPO about upcoming cases as needed, and submit ANC comments to HPO for transmittal to HPRB. For ANC comments to receive great weight, they must be in writing and adopted by ANC vote at a duly noticed public meeting. Comments may be in resolution or letter format, and should be submitted within the 45-day review period. They should relate to HPRB's area of jurisdiction, state the vote taken, and articulate the basis for the ANC recommendations.

Step Four

Attend the HPRB meeting to give oral comments. Any ANC commissioner is welcome to participate in HPRB meetings, but only the duly adopted official comments of the ANC receive great weight.

Step Five

Follow up as needed with the assigned HPO staff person after the HPRB meeting to review possible changes to the project plans.