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Community Group Participation in the HPRB Process

The Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) welcomes and encourages community organizations to participate in the historic preservation review process. HPRB recognizes that groups with an interest in historic preservation play a crucial role in seeking recognition and protection of the District's cultural heritage.

How can community organizations be most effective in the review process?

Community groups interested in participating in HPRB reviews on a regular basis are encouraged to establish a routine for contacting the HPO staff to monitor pending cases before each HPRB meeting. Organizations interesting in representing community views benefit from regular participation at HPRB meetings and familiarity with preservation standards, guidelines, and procedures.

Step One

Check the public notice that the Historic Preservation Office (HPO) emails to interested persons and organizations at least 15 days before a scheduled HPRB meeting. This is usually at the beginning of the second week of the month. Placards posted on the affected property give additional public notice. If necessary, contact the assigned HPO staff person for information about upcoming cases.

Step Two

Identify any cases on the monthly notice that your organization wants to review.

Step Three

Consult with HPO about upcoming cases as needed, and submit comments to HPO for transmittal to HPRB. Comments should relate to HPRB's area of jurisdiction and state the reasoning for the organization's recommendations.

Step Four

Attend the HPRB meeting to deliver comments and participate in the meeting.

Step Five

Follow up as needed with the assigned HPO staff person after the HPRB meeting to review possible changes to the project plans.