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Monthly Public Notice for HPRB Meetings

The Historic Preservation Office (HPO) issues a monthly public notice of items submitted for consideration at the upcoming meetings of the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB).

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When is the monthly public notice issued?

The notice is issued at least 15 days before a scheduled HPRB meeting, usually at the beginning of the second week of the month.

What does the notice include?

The notice lists all proposed historic designation hearings and all concept review and permit applications submitted for HPRB review by the monthly filing deadline.

Are all cases on the notice heard the same month?

No. The notice is NOT a final meeting agenda. Proposed designation hearings and other major items are listed on two successive notices in order to give a full 45-day notice to the affected ANC. Most other cases proceed to a hearing the same month, but some may be withdrawn by the applicant or deferred to a later meeting.