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About the Historic Preservation Review Board

The Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) was organized in 1983 under the authority established in the District's historic preservation law. HPRB also acts as the State Review Board for the District under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966.

HPRB Membership 

HPRB's nine members are District residents appointed by the Mayor, subject to approval by the Council of the District of Columbia.

HPRB Functions

HPRB performs specific functions outlined in District and federal historic preservation laws. Its primary duties are to:

  • Designate historic landmarks and historic districts;
  • Recommend nominations to the National Register of Historic Places;
  • Establish procedural rules, design standards, and design guidelines;
  • Review proposed construction for compatibility with historic properties;
  • Advise the State Historic Preservation Officer on government projects; and
  • Facilitate public comment in the preservation planning process.

HPRB also advises on the proposed closure of any street in the L'Enfant Plan.