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Upcoming Old Georgetown Board Meeting

December 7, 2023

The Old Georgetown Board (OGB) of the US Commission of Fine Arts (CFA) will hold its next monthly meeting on December 7, 2023. Documents related to the meeting are posted on or linked to this page as they become available.

OGB meetings are regularly held on the first Thursday of each month except August, unless otherwise noted in the meeting schedule on the CFA website at

OGB meets at 401 F Street NW (the Old Pension Building, which houses the National Building Museum), in Suite 312. The building is adjacent to the west entrance of the Judiciary Square Metro station. Unless otherwise noted on the CFA website, meetings begin at 9:15 am, and generally last the entire day.

Meeting Documents

The OGB Draft Agenda will be posted on the CFA website in advance of the meeting.

Meeting Notice

CFA issues a preliminary list of potential agenda items about two weeks before the OGB meeting. The list includes all concept review and permit applications submitted for review by the monthly filing deadline. The notice is NOT a final meeting agenda, as some cases may be withdrawn by the applicant or deferred to a later meeting.

HPO emails this preliminary list to all addresses on the HPO public notice distribution list. This notice is usually issued two weeks before the meeting.

Meeting Participation

OGB meetings are open to the general public. Written comments are accepted and distributed to OGB members for their consideration. Comments may be submitted before the meeting online at the CFA website.

Record of Meeting Actions

A written record of OGB actions is posted on the CFA website on the Friday of the week following the meeting. These recommendations are compiled into the Old Georgetown Act Appendix for CFA consideration and approval at its next meeting.  The OGB/CFA review of project submissions is not complete until CFA has approved the Appendix.