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Old Georgetown Board

The Old Georgetown Board (OGB) is an advisory board of three architects appointed by the Commission of Fine Arts (CFA) to conduct the reviews of Georgetown projects. OGB hears presentations, reviews staff comments, and makes recommendations to CFA for final adoption.

When and where does OGB meet?

The Old Georgetown Board meets at the CFA offices in the old Pension Building (National Building Museum), 401 F Street NW, Suite 312. It meets the first Thursday of each month, except in August.

How does OGB review projects?

OGB considers Georgetown projects at a monthly meeting open to the public. Applicants present their projects to OGB for a public discussion and recommendations. OGB also takes action on a consent calendar of cases that do not need to be presented at the meeting.

Before each meeting, the CFA staff conducts an initial review of the projects filed, and consults with applicants as necessary. If a project can be recommended for approval on the basis of the information filed with the application, the staff places it on the consent calendar for adoption at the OGB meeting. The agenda, consent calendar, and other meeting documents are posted on the CFA website the Friday before the meeting.

After the OGB meeting, the staff compiles the recommendations on all cases for presentation to CFA. CFA takes final action on this Old Georgetown Appendix at its public meeting two weeks after the OGB meeting. The project review is not complete until CFA has approved the Old Georgetown Appendix.

An occasional Georgetown project also requires a presentation to the Commission of Fine Arts.
•    Apply for Georgetown Review
•    CFA Information on Old Georgetown Review