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How to Apply for HPO Expedited Review

To apply for expedited historic preservation review by the Historic Preservation Office (HPO), follow the steps below.

Step 1: Prepare the Application

Determine if your project qualifies for expedited review. Consult the HPO website for information on submission requirements. Prepare the permit application and supporting materials. If you have questions, contact the HPO staff person assigned to your neighborhood.

Step 2: Submit the Application

Submit the application with the Department of Building (DOB).

The DCRA  Homeowner's Center can provide support and resources to homeowners navigating the permit application and plan review process. 

If your application is complete and meets Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) standards, HPO will clear it for final permit processing. HPO may need time for a site visit, flag test, or internal consultation. The assigned staff person will contact you for any follow-up or additional information. This is typically no more than five days after you apply.

If your application is incomplete or inconsistent with HRPB standards, HPO will explain your options for revising the plans or submitting the project to HPRB.

Step 3: Obtain the Permit

Once HPO has cleared the application, complete the final steps in the DOB permit process. There is no fee for the HPO review, but the normal permit fee is applied at issuance.