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Work Qualifying for HPO Review

The following types of minor work qualify for expedited review by the Historic Preservation Office (HPO). If the proposed work is compatible with the character of the historic property and consistent with HPRB standards, HPO can clear the application. If the work is not compatible, it must be submitted to the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) for consideration.

In-Kind or Compatible Repairs or Replacement of Building Components

  • Masonry, woodwork, metalwork, siding, trim, and other architectural features
  • Roofing, coping, gutters, and downspouts
  • Masonry pointing, cleaning and waterproofing (except by sandblasting or other damaging methods)

Minor Alterations to Building Openings

  • Window and door replacement
  • Creation or closure of window or door openings
  • Basement areaways and window wells

Unobtrusive Minor Alterations (Typically Controlled by Limiting Visibility)

  • Rear porches and decks
  • Roof decks and roof access stairs
  • Skylights, solar installations, antennas, and satellite dishes
  • Plumbing, heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and mechanical equipment and installations
  • Utility meters

Compatible Site Alterations, Repairs and Replacement

  • Fences, retaining walls, steps, walkways, and garden features
  • Patios, garden storage sheds, swimming pools, and similar private property features that do not affect historic character

Storefronts and Public Space

  • Awnings, canopies, signs, storefront renovations, and unenclosed sidewalk cafes
  • Projection and public space permits, including occupation of public space for dumpsters, barricades, and other construction activities

Additions and New Buildings

  • Building additions not exceeding 250 square feet in footprint or 500 square feet on two or more levels
  • Construction of one-story garages
  • Removal or alteration of additions that do not contribute to historic character
  • Alterations to non-contributing buildings that are compatible with the character of the affected historic landmark or district
  • Work reviewed by HPRB under the conceptual design review process and delegated to HPO

Construction Activities

  • Raze applications for non-contributing buildings
  • Raze applications pursuant to an approval by HPRB or the Mayor’s Agent
  • Excavation, sheeting and shoring, underpinning, grading, blasting, and other ground disturbance
  • Renewal, revision, supplemental, and temporary building or public space work permits, including temporary signs, scaffolding and other construction activities
  • Other routine, minor, or compatible work consistent with the above

Subdivisions (Except for Historic Landmarks or Theoretical Building Sites)

  • Minor or insignificant lot changes compatible with the character of the property or its setting
  • Conversion of assessment and taxation lots to record lots
  • Subdivisions required to implement a rehabilitation or construction project approved by HPRB