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Office of Planning

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Additional Resources

12th Street
In the Spring of 2016 the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) requested that the Office of Planning (OP) review DCMR 12: Construction Code, Chapter 32: Encroachments as part of their agencies 2015 update of the construction code. OP conducted original research, compiled background information, and produced several reports including recommendations to update the projection regulations as part of their work. The links below are a collection of building projection resources referred to or developed by OP.
Current regulations in the construction code that define allowances for building projections into the public right-of-way.
An easy-to-use guide to determining where different types of projections included in the regulations and their allowances into the public right-of-way.
An overview of the District of Columbia’s projection regulations including their intent, how they have evolved since 1872, and recommendations for future updates.
DCRA’s January 25th, 2019 Letter of Direction clarifying how to determine the width of a building for calculating allowable width of window projections.
A calculator that uses a building width to determine the maximum width of an individual window projection and total aggregate width of all window projections on a building facade.
A comprehensive review of the District’s public space regulations, standards, and policies that includes a chapter on projection regulations.
These guidelines provide information on awning, canopy, marquee, belt course, cornice, and roof overhang projections including when, where, and how they can be used to embellish a building.
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