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E.g., 07/01/2024
E.g., 07/01/2024

The Observatory Hill Historic District Nomination and Historic District Map are accessible from this page.

The Observatory Hill Historic District was designated in 2016.

The "Period of Significance" for the Observatory Hill Historic District is 1844 - 1961.

The Smithsonian Quadrangle Historic District was listed on the DC Inventory of Historic Sites in 2017 with a period of significance of 1847-1987.



Blagden Alley/Naylor Court Historic Nomination, Blagden Alley and Shaw Historic District Brochure, and Historic District Maps are accessible from this page.

The Blagden Alley/Naylor Court Historic District was designated in 1990.

To respond to a Correction Order:

Several community organizations have developed historic district design guidelines for their own neighborhoods. Although not officially adopted by HPRB, these guidelines provide sound advice and describe the principles that guide preservation review by the respective organizations.


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