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E.g., 07/19/2024
E.g., 07/19/2024

The Howard University Historic District National Historic Landmark was listed in 2001 with a period of significance of 1929-1955.  Andrew Rankin Memorial Hall, Frederick Douglass Memorial Hall and Founders Library are also listed individually on the National Register.

Houses in Mount PleasantThe purpose of the Plan is to create a framework for public and private collaboration and investment to strengthen the...


The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on January 24, 2013. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email.

Kappa Historic Heritage Trail profiles a sites at Howard University and Northwest Washington related to the history and heritage of this college fraternity, established at Howard, and its members.

The Emerald Street Historic District Nomination and Historic District Map are accessible on this page.

The Emerald Street Historic District was designated in 2017.

The "Period of Significance" for the Emerald Street Historic District is 1892-1923.  

The Mount Vernon Triangle Historic District Nomination, Historic District Brochure, and Historic District Maps are accessible from this page.

The Mount Vernon Triangle Historic District was designated in 2006.

The Neighborhood Investment Fund (NIF) is an annual non-lapsing, revolving fund to finance economic development and neighborhood revitalization in 12 target neighborhoods. The purpose of the Target Area Investment Plan is to identify community investment priorities for the use of NIF funds.


The Seventeenth Street Historic District consists of  landmark nominations covering the Corcoran Gallery of Art building, Pan American Union (Organization of American States) including the Van Ness House Stables, Daughters of the American Revolution, Memorial Continental Hall, and the American...


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