(WASHINGTON, DC) – Today, the DC Council voted to approve the Congress Heights Small Area Plan (CHSAP). The Bowser Administration, led by the DC Office of Planning (OP), completed the small area plan and transmitted it for Council adoption in September. The CHSAP is a guide for the community, government, and private sector to take action to bring improved affordable housing, safe public spaces, economic development and civic facilities to the Congress Heights community.
“The Congress Heights Small Area Plan builds on Mayor Bowser’s investments, like the Whitman Walker Health Clinic, the Entertainment and Sports Arena, and new housing on the St Elizabeths East Campus, that are leading the way toward ensuring Congress Heights residents and the Ward 8 Community have a fair shot at opportunities for good jobs and quality housing” said John Falcicchio, Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development.
The CHSAP was developed over an 18-month period, where OP engaged residents, business owners, youth, seniors, non-profit leaders, Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners, and many others online and through in-person activities.
“The Congress Heights Small Area Plan will be an important tool for government, residents, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders to work together to realize the vision of community development without displacement for Congress Heights” said Anita Cozart, Acting Director of OP. “We are grateful for the time and energy the Congress Heights community poured into the Congress Heights Small Area Plan.”
With Council adoption of the CHSAP, property owners can petition the Zoning Commission to enact zoning changes that are aligned with the small area plan, unlocking additional density permitted by the updated Comprehensive Plan for increased market rate and affordable housing.
To view the CHSAP, please visit planning.dc.gov/congress-heights-small-area-plan. For more information about the DC Office of Planning, please visit planning.dc.gov.