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Volume 1- Introduction and Citywide Elements

Chapter 1 Introduction
The Introduction Chapter provides an overview of the background, purpose and organization of the document.

Chapter 2 Framework
The Framework Chapter provides the foundation for the rest of the Comprehensive Plan.

Chapter 3 Land Use
The Land Use Chapter provides the general policy guidance on land use issues across the District.

Chapter 4 Transportation
The Transportation Element provides policies and actions to maintain and improve the District’s transportation system and enhance the travel choices of current and future residents, visitors and workers.

Chapter 5 Housing
The Housing Element describes the importance of housing to neighborhood quality in the District of Columbia and the importance of providing housing opportunities for all segments of our population.

Chapter 6 Environmental Protection
The Environmental Protection Element addresses the protection, restoration, and management of the District’s land, air, water, energy, and biologic resources.

Chapter 7 Economic Development
The Economic Development Element addresses the future of the District’s economy and the creation of economic opportunity for current and future District residents.

Chapter 8 Parks Recreation and Open Space
The Parks, Recreation and Open Space Element addresses the future of parks, recreation, and open space in the District of Columbia. It recognizes the important role parks play in recreation, aesthetics, neighborhood character, and environmental quality.

Chapter 9 Urban Design
The Urban Design Element addresses the District’s physical design and visual qualities.

Chapter 10 Historic Preservation
The Historic Preservation Element guides the protection, revitalization and preservation of the city’s valuable historic assets.

Chapter 11 Community Services and Facilities
The Community Services and Facilities Element provides policies and actions on health care facilities, child care and senior care facilities, libraries, police stations, fire stations, and other municipal facilities such as maintenance yards.

Chapter 12 Educational Facilities
The Educational Facilities Element addresses the location, planning, use and design of the District’s educational facilities and campuses.

Chapter 13 Infrastructure
The Infrastructure Element provides policies and actions on the District’s water, sanitary sewer, stormwater, solid waste management, energy, and telecommunication systems.

Chapter 14 Arts and Culture
The Arts and Culture Element provides policies and actions dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the arts in the District.