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Census Tracts

5 Year Age Groups Change 2000-2010 by Ward - District of Columbia

This table provides District of Columbia Census 2010 age data for the population.

Census 2000 Household Type by Census Tract

Census 2000 data by Census Tract - Household Type

Census 2000 Population by Age by Census Tract

Census 2000 data by Census Tract - Population by Age

Census 2000 Population by Race by Census Tract

Census 2000 data by Census Tract - Population by Race

Census 2000 Unemployment by Census Tract

Census 2000 data by Census Tract - Unemployment

Census 2010 Age Groups By Gender and Race by Ward - Asian Alone

This table provides District of Columbia Census 2010 age data for the population.

Census 2010 Age Groups By Gender and Race by Ward - Black or African American Alone

This table provides District of Columbia Census 2010 age data for the population.

Census 2010 Age Groups By Gender and Race by Ward - Hispanic or Latino Alone

This table provides District of Columbia Census 2010 age data for the population.

Census 2010 Age Groups By Gender and Race by Ward - White Alone

This table provides District of Columbia Census 2010 age data for the population.

Census 2010 Age Groups By Ward

This table provides District of Columbia Census 2010 age data for the population.

Census 2010 Age Groups By Ward - District of Columbia

This table provides District of Columbia Census 2010 age data for the population.

DC Census 2010 Housing Units by Census Tract

This table provides a summary of the District’s Census 2010 housing unit data by census tract.

DC Census 2010 Population by Census Tract

This table provides a summary of the District’s Census 2010 population data by census tract.

Income by Census Tract - 1999

Census 2000 data by Census Tract - Income data from 1999