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Neighborhood Indicators

The District’s leaders - civic, business and political - have committed to a strategy of capitalizing on the city’s many assets (both old and new) and taking advantage of its recent growth and prosperity to tackle the challenges of inequality and exclusion that persist. Sustained investments in affordable housing, mixed-income neighborhoods, school improvement, crime prevention and economic development offer the potential to achieve the goals of equitable, inclusive and sustainable growth in the years ahead.

The Neighborhood Indicators Report seeks to aid DC’s leaders and citizens in addressing challenges and meeting goals through tracking and measuring major economic and social indicators. Particular focus was given to comparing the change across the city on a neighborhood-by-neighborhood basis from 2000 to 2007. The report provides a baseline assessment of the current situation in the city and comparison of measures over recent years. Indicators are grouped into eight subject categories:

  • Demographics
  • Economy - Jobs and Income
  • Economy - Housing
  • Education
  • Health
  • Family, Youth, and Seniors
  • Safety and Security
  • Public Investment
  • Environment

Each section provides a series of indicators meant to measure different aspects of the issue. The indicators are discussed in the text and presented in charts and maps, providing a citywide, Ward and neighborhood context for current conditions and trends.

A full set of data tables and comparison charts for the 39 Neighborhood Clusters can be found in the report appendices. The Ward and Neighborhood Cluster data have all been adjusted by NeighborhoodInfo DC to consistent geographic boundaries (map 1.1), even for older data. The Ward boundaries used throughout this report are those established in 2002, according to the redistricting following the 2000 decennial census. The Neighborhood Cluster boundaries are those determined by the DC Office of Planning around this same time.

For information on the Neighborhood Indicators Report, contact Art Rodgers, Senior Housing Planner, DC Office of Planning, at (202) 442-7600, or by e-mail at [email protected].