Zoning for Alley Lots
The DC Office of Planning (OP), at the direction of the DC Zoning Commission, is studying potential amendments to the zoning regulations governing alley lots. Topics we are looking at include:
- Minimum alley width necessary to create a new alley record lot
- Minimum alley width necessary to establish a residential use on an alley lot
- Uses generally on alley lots
- Height of alley lot buildings
Any changes we propose to the Zoning Regulations would be filed as a zoning text amendment proposal and reviewed by the Zoning Commission through a public hearing process. We intend to file the text amendment this spring.
Before filing any proposal, we are speaking with alley lot property owners and ANC Commissioners to solicit their feedback. Any changes would have more relevance to some ANCs than others, as some neighborhoods have many alley lots, but others have almost none. We are updating the data on alley lots and our initial findings indicate that the neighborhoods with the highest concentration of alley lots include Capitol Hill, Georgetown, and the neighborhoods immediately north of downtown. Please refer to the table of alley lots by ANC at the bottom of this page.
What is an Alley Lot?
An alley lot is a lot that has no frontage on a street, only frontage on an alley. Any proposed zoning text changes would only be for alley lots.
What is Not an Alley Lot?
A lot that has frontage on a street is not an alley lot. An alley lot is not a garage or other accessory building that may face an alley, but that is on a street-facing lot. Any proposed zoning text changes would not affect street-facing lots or accessory buildings on street-facing lots.
Next Steps
OP is conducting research and and will solicit input as we develop proposed alley lot zoning text changes. ANC input is being sought through virtual open houses. We will present any draft changes to the Zoning Commission, who would decide whether to move forward and hold a public hearing on the changes. If they decide to hold a public hearing, we will seek additional public feedback in advance. The hearing provides an additional opportunity for public comment.
Summary of Current Alley Lot Regulations
Possible Uses |
R-1 and R-2 zones: agriculture, artist studio, camping, community solar facility, vehicle parking, NOT residential R-3, RF and RA zones: uses in R-1 or R-2 zones plus single-family residential |
Conditions for Residential Use | Existing lot of 450 sq. ft. or more; the lot is on an alley of 24 ft. wide minimum, or 15 ft. minimum within 300 ft. of a public street |
Maximum Height | 20 feet; no penthouse permitted |
Yards | No yard required adjacent to other alley lots; five ft. required adjacent to street-facing lots |
Estimated Number of Alley Lots by ANC:
ANC | Estimated # of Alley Lots | ANC | Estimated # of Alley Lots | ANC | Estimated # of Alley Lots | ANC | Estimated # of Alley Lots |
1A | 34 | 3A | 17 | 5A | 2 | 7B | 24 |
1B | 64 | 3B | 19 | 5B | 44 | 7C | 31 |
1C | 14 | 3C | 51 | 5C | 13 | 7D | 140 |
1D | 11 | 3D | 21 | 5D | 26 | 7E | 2 |
1E | 26 | 3E | 25 | 5E | 35 | 7F | 3 |
2A | 41 | 3F | 19 | 5F | 88 | 8A | 12 |
2B | 39 | 3/4G | 27 | 6A | 134 | 8B | 4 |
2C | 9 | 4A | 20 | 6B | 198 | 8C | 49 |
2D | 8 | 4B | 61 | 6C | 129 | 8D | 1 |
2E | 180 | 4C | 59 | 6D | 2 | 8E | 1 |
2F | 23 | 4D | 64 | 6E | 4 | 8F | 2 |
2G | 53 | 4E | 68 |
Contact Information
Contact the project team at [email protected].