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Office of Planning

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Production, Distribution, and Repair Land Use Report

The District’s Production, Distribution, and Repair (PDR) Land Use Report evaluates how much PDR land the District needs, strategies the District can use to meet its PDR needs, and how to implement mixed-use PDR policies.

PDR land is used in the District to provide critical services to District residents and businesses including trash pick-up, wastewater treatment, and roadway repair. PDR land is also critical for the operation of businesses, such as construction companies that do business with the District, companies that make or warehouse food and other consumer products, companies that repair cars, and businesses that deliver goods to residents.

The findings from this report will inform the District’s next Comprehensive Plan, which is scheduled to start in 2025. It will also inform the Zoning Commission (ZC) when it considers amendments to PDR zoning or PDR zoned land.