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New York Avenue NE Roadmap

New York Avenue NE Roadmap cover image


New York Avenue NE Roadmap

This Roadmap introduces planning efforts for New York Avenue NE, a three-mile corridor that extends from Florida Avenue NE to South Dakota Avenue NE and includes the nearby communities of Ivy City, Brentwood, and Langdon.

As the District plans for the future of this corridor, OP will engage residents, businesses, and other stakeholders in developing a collaborative vision. This vision will advance racial equity, unlock opportunity for 10,000 new homes, increase jobs, support civic facilities and infrastructure, and plan for inclusive and vibrant communities.

How are we planning for New York Avenue NE?

OP is producing three planning studies that implement land use changes adopted in the District’s 2021 Comprehensive Plan Amendment:

  • The New York Avenue Vision Framework, which focuses on improving quality of life for residents and planning for housing and jobs along the corridor
  • A citywide study that looks at Production, Distribution, and Repair (PDR) land uses that will inform the next Comprehensive Plan and zoning amendments.
  • The Ivy City Small Area Plan, which will build consensus for how Ivy City should evolve as the New York Avenue NE Corridor changes

These efforts will help align the community, businesses, and government around a collaborative vision. The New York Avenue NE Vision Framework was completed in November 2023, the PDR Report was completed in October 2024, and the Ivy City Small Area Plan will conclude later in 2024.

Why are we planning for New York Avenue NE?

The Corridor is home to a variety of warehousing, utility, and service jobs and is a major freight and commuter route. The Corridor is identified as a Future Planning and Analysis Area (FPAA) on the Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan) Generalized Policy Map.

The planning studies outlined in this roadmap will refine and guide implementation of changes to the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) based on Comp Plan policies. New York Avenue NE is also defined in the Comp Plan as a Gateway Corridor that should be celebrated as a place of significance, lined with interesting buildings and public spaces, and that links adjacent neighborhoods through shared infrastructure.

Links to New York Ave NE Planning Projects

OP is currently conducting two planning initiatives as part of the New York Ave NE Vision Framework. Please use the links below to find the latest information on each project.

New York Avenue NE Vision Framework

Production, Distribution, and Repair (PDR) Land Use Report 

Ivy City Small Area Plan

To Learn More

For updates on the planning process and future information, join our mailing list . You can also sign up for OP’s Newsletter and follow our social media accounts.