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What's Happening at the DC Office of Planning? October 2020

Thursday, October 29, 2020

OP is continuing to focus on supporting the review and approval of the Mayor’s proposed Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan) update. The proposed Comp Plan update positions the District to achieve critical goals around economic recovery, housing, equity, and resilience.  In addition to providing a suite of tools and approaches that can be immediately applied in response to the economic, social, and public health impacts caused by COVID-19, an updated Comp Plan is a critical component of the Mayor’s goal to build 36,000 new homes by 2025, including 12,000 affordable homes. 

On October 27th, OP and the Georgetown Global Cities Initiative co-hosted an event that brought together DC’s five most recent planning directors to discuss 20 years of comprehensive planning in DC and to look forward to the next 20 years. You can read more about this event below and watch the recording of the virtual discussion.

Earlier this month, Mayor Bowser underscored the critical need for the Comp Plan update to be approved this year. The Council’s Committee of the Whole has opened the record for feedback on the Comp Plan through December 3rd. We urge all interested individuals and stakeholders to participate in the Council’s process, which allows for feedback to be provided by writing or through a phone message, as well through virtual hearings on November 12th and 13thIn addition to comments about the Comp Plan, it offers an opportunity for you to share with Council the importance of prioritizing passage of the Comp Plan in 2020 to ensure critical work can continue in line with our long-term vision and values. You can learn more about Comp Plan major themes and updates by following the #CompPlan2020 hashtag on Twitter or visiting the PlanDC website.

Please feel free to share this newsletter with others, who can sign up here. In addition, you can follow our work on Twitter at @OPinDC.

Andrew Trueblood
Director, DC Office of Planning

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