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How to Respond to an Enforcement Action

If you have received a Stop Work Order, Correction Order, Notice of Violation, or Notice of Infraction from the Historic Preservation Office (HPO), you should respond promptly as instructed on the notices. The purpose of these enforcement actions is to correct unauthorized construction and resolve violations by bringing the work into compliance with building permits and plans approved by HPO.

If you believe an enforcement action was taken in error, please contact the issuing inspector or email [email protected]. See the instructions below for information on how to respond to an enforcement action.

How do I respond to a Stop Work Order?

If you receive a Stop Work Order, you must immediately stop all work as stated on the order. Failure to do so is subject to penalties and legal action. Do not remove the posted Stop Work Order unless authorized by an HPO official.

How do I respond to a Correction Order?

If you receive a Correction Order, you must perform the remedial work stated on the order and obtain required permits to bring the construction into compliance. Failure to do so is subject to penalties and legal action.

How do I respond to a Notice of Violation?

You should correct the work that is cited in the violation and obtain required permits within the time allowed on the notice. Once the time has elapsed, HPO will reinspect the work. If the work has not been corrected, HPO may take further enforcement action.

How do I respond to a Notice of Infraction?

A Notice of Infraction imposes a fine for violating the law. You are required to answer the notice within 15 calendar days of the date of service listed on the notice (20 calendar days if you received the notice by mail). All answers and payments are filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH). If you do not answer the notice, you will be subject to an order of default, assessing both the fine and additional penalties. You may also be subject to the placement of a lien on the property. If you have questions call OAH at 202-442-9094