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Office of Planning

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HPRB November 16, 2017

Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) meeting of November 16, 2017 will post on this page. The HPRB will not meet on the regularly scheduled 4th Thursday due to the Thanksgiving Holiday.   The HPO Monthly Notice was released and posted on October 31.


Please Note:  The continuation of the concept review for the West Heating Plant (1051/1055 29th Street NW, HPA 17-263) has been deferred at the request of the applicant.  A continuation date will be announced in a future notice.

Consideration of the proposed Kingman Park Historic District (Case 16-19, all properties between East Capitol, 19th and M Streets NE and Maryland Avenue NE and the Anacostia River) has been deferred until the January 25, 2018 HPRB meeting. The Office of Planning will hold a public meeting on Saturday, November 18, 2017 from 10am-12:00 noon at the Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, 1636 East Capitol Street NW on the historic district designation process.


Metro Advisory: Escalators at the 4th Street entrance (One Judiciary Square) are closed November 13, 2017 through September 30, 2018, a period of 10 months. During this time, individuals attending HPRB meetings should plan accordingly. Escalators at the National Building Museum on F Street NW will remain in service during this time. Additional information is available on the Metro Website.


Posting Schedule

Public notice                    15 days before the meeting
Agenda and reports         5 days before the meeting
Record of action              One week after the meeting

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