The Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) requires specific documentation with an application for Concept Review. The Historic Preservation Office (HPO) manages the receipt and distribution of all application materials.
Initial Filing
Submit the following materials via email to [email protected]:
- Application and Referral to the Historic Preservation Review Board
- One set of comprehensive exterior photographs of the property, showing the areas of proposed work;
- One set of color photographic images of the adjacent context; and
- Set of complete, accurate, and scaled architectural plans or three-dimensional renderings sufficient to indicate the general exterior massing, composition, and design of the proposed work within its surroundings
Required architectural plans include:
- A site plan showing property lines and the footprint of neighboring structures;
- Existing condition plans; and
- Floor plans, sections, and elevations showing the proposed work.
Architectural plans must describe the work without ambiguity and clearly show:
- The extent to which the existing building is to be preserved, altered, or demolished;
- Dimensions for critical measurements including overall length, width, height, floor-to-floor heights, and distance of setbacks;
- Any roof alterations on a roof plan or section; and
- The location and size of any proposed exterior mechanical or utility equipment including penthouses, ductwork, and meter boxes.
Final Plans Submission
If plans are revised after initial submission, a revised electronic set must be submitted by email to the project reviewer and [email protected] 21 days ahead of the scheduled meeting. This final submission will be distributed to HPRB members in advance of the public meeting.