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What's Happening at the DC Office of Planning?

Friday, August 30, 2019

As summer comes to an end, the Office of Planning (OP) has been busy making important progress on our priority projects, including work on Mayor Bowser’s bold housing goals. We are now gearing up for many milestones this fall and winter.

With the DC Council preparing for a final vote on the Framework Element of the Comprehensive Plan on September 17th, we have been working hard to update the remaining 24 elements and two maps. If Council passes the Framework bill in September, we plan to share the rest of the proposed amendments for public review in the fall.

We are also pushing forward on the Mayor's ambitious housing goals to advance housing affordability in the District. Our housing survey about equity and the distribution of housing opportunity closes today, so please take a moment to complete it if you have not taken it. As discussed below, we then look forward to a follow-up Community Conversation on the survey results and next steps on September 21st.

Lastly, we are excited to renew our focus on community planning. We plan to both support the implementation of existing plans as well as to update or create new community plans in neighborhoods that are facing change or ongoing barriers to vibrancy. You can read about our latest community planning product below, the Downtown East Re-Urbanization Strategy.

Stay tuned as future newsletters promise to be full of milestones and planning news. Please feel free to share with others, who can sign up here. In addition, you can follow our work on Twitter under @OPinDC.

Andrew Trueblood
Director, DC Office of Planning

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