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US Census Recognition of District's 2010 Census Participation Rate

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The DC State Data Center along with the Mayor’s Office and DC Council received recognition today from the US Census for their work in achieving the District’s record-breaking 2010 Census participation rate.

(Washington, DC) - The DC State Data Center along with the Mayor’s Office and DC Council received recognition today from the US Census for their work in achieving the District’s record-breaking 2010 Census participation rate. This was a challenging year for the Census in cities – economic hardship, foreclosure, and the growing diversity of the population - made it even harder to get an accurate population count. Not only did the District’s rate increase from 66% in 2000 to 69% in 2010, the District achieved a higher participation rate than other major cities including Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York, Chicago and Los Angeles. The national response rate to date is approximately 72%. The District’s rate is expected to increase above the current 69% when the final 2010 Census report is submitted to President Obama at the end of this year. The District received particular recognition for its work in promoting the Census to “hard to count” populations such as the homeless, residents not proficient in English, those living in high crime areas and in secured facilities.

Dr. Joy Phillips, Associate Director at OP, received a commemorative plaque on behalf of the State Data Center.