The DC Office of Planning is pleased to announce that hard copies of the 2006 Comprehensive Plan of the National Capital: District Elements are now available for sale at the Office of Documents, 441 4th Street, NW, Suite 520 South, Washington, DC 20001. The plan is also available electronically on the Office of Planning (OP) website and in a searchable CD.
Price List
- Hard Copy Comprehensive Plan/District Elements and map set: $70 + $10 handling
- Searchable CD and Map Set: $10
- Map Set only: $5
The Comprehensive Plan provides policy and planning guidance on a range of issues, including land use, transportation, housing, environmental protection, economic development, parks and recreation, urban design, historic preservation, community services and public facilities, and arts and culture. It also guides our zoning laws, such as the types of uses allowed in residential and commercial areas.
The new Comprehensive Plan represents three years of tremendous work and energy from all who participated. Thousands of residents participated in many different roles, bringing their ideas, passion and energy to charting the District’s future. The planning process was advised by the DC Council and Mayor-appointed Task Force, and enormous input was obtained through 24 large public meetings, several small group discussions, and Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) and community briefings. An Interagency Working Group, comprised of representatives of over 20 District agencies, also helped develop and vet policies in the new plan.