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OP Releases Industrial Land Use Study - Industrial Land in a Post-Industrial City

Monday, March 5, 2007

The DC Office of Planning is pleased to announce the release of its Industrial Land Use Study. The District's booming real estate market, particularly office, residential and retail development, has been expanding at the expense of the city's industrially-zoned land for the past 10 years. And this trend is expected to continue as the city's supply of industrial land becomes increasingly scarce.

Until now, policy decisions regarding rezoning industrial land have been made on a site-by-site basis, without the benefit of a city-wide assessment of the potential opportunity costs that come with the elimination of industrial land.

The study is intended as an analytical resource that will help inform land use and economic development planning in the District. It also provides a set of recommendations for strategically managing DC's increasingly small supply of land suitable for accommodating production, distribution and repair users and certain municipal, utility and government functions.