Media Contacts
Linda Wharton Boyd (EOM) , (202) 722-5011
Doxie A. McCoy (EOM) , (202) 664-9862
Jose Sousa (DMPED) , (202) 340-6318
Tanya Washington Stern (OP), (202) 442-7635
Mayor Vincent C. Gray To Hold Interactive and Informative Ward 8 Community Summit
Mayor Gray and Various Agency Directors Seeking Meaningful Input from Residents of Ward 8 on Important Issues Impacting Future Development
and Construction in the Community
Mayor Vincent C. Gray will host a Ward 8 Community Summit that will address community concerns about the unprecedented changes taking place within a two-mile radius of the Anacostia and Congress Heights Metro Stations. The ultimate goal of the Community Summit is for residents to gain a better understanding of the “big picture” of what is happening in order to play a more integral role in making Ward 8 a network of great communities. It is anticipated that about 300 residents from throughout the Ward will attend.
Participants will include Ward 8 Councilmember Marion Barry, Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development Victor L. Hoskins and Economic Development Cluster Agency Directors, including Harriet Tregoning of the Office of Planning; John Hall of the Department of Housing and Community Development; and Lisa Mallory of the Department of Employment Services.
Saturday, July 9, 2011, 9:30 am.
Thurgood Marshall Academy/Savoy Elementary School Gymnasium
2427 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20020
Participants will help to develop a set of outcomes and priorities that will be used to ensure that the community’s interests will play a significant role in shaping the changes coming to Ward 8. The District is able to hold such a dynamic event with the support of a Community Challenge Planning Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.