(Washington, DC) The Historic Preservation Office will be participating in the upcoming conference DesignDC 2011: In the Green. Sponsored by the Washington Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, the conference will include several sessions addressing historic preservation and sustainability issues. The conference, scheduled for June 20 to 23, 2011, will provide information on cutting-edge technology, projects, and practitioners, illustrating how Washington DC is at the forefront of the green design movement.
Preservation-specific sessions include Working with the DC Historic Preservation Staff & Board, which delves into the laws, procedures and criteria behind neighborhood and building designation. Participants will learn how a project makes its way through the historic preservation review process and tips on ensuring an expeditious review.
DC Preservation & Sustainability: Something Old, Something New, Something Green will highlight building projects that have successfully integrated new sustainability practices with preservation.
A session and tour are planned on the Adaptive Reuse & Sustainable Design of the Old Naval Hospital, which is receiving Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits. This project incorporates a geothermal heating and cooling exchange system and state-of-the-art mechanical and electrical systems into a historic property while meeting requirements for historic rehabilitation tax credits, life safety, and accessibility.
A session on Baltimore City Green Building Standards -- Almost One Year Later will review Charm City’s standards that promote new, flexible approaches to incorporating sustainability into public and private projects as applied to both new construction and historic rehabilitation projects.
Finally, a walking tour of St. Elizabeths Hospital will be offered, focusing on its renovation and transformation into the Department of Homeland Security Headquarters.
There are numerous other sessions and events planned as part of the conference, as well as the DesignDC trade show. For more information or to register, please visit the website for DC AIA.
Historic Preservation Office Will Participate in Green Conference
Friday, June 10, 2011
DesignDC 2011 is slated for June 21 to 23 at the Washington Convention Center.