(Washington, DC) - On Wednesday, June 17, 2009, the DC Office of Planning will hold a public workshop in the Mount Pleasant neighborhood of Ward 1. The purpose of the workshop is to obtain community input on revitalization and development priorities for the Mount Pleasant Street commercial corridor in order to shape a revitalization plan.
The workshop will be an open house and participants may drop in any time from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm to give their input on various topics to include:
- Mount Pleasant Street Physical Enhancements
- Development Opportunity Sites
- New Economic Development (new businesses, retail)
- Assistance for Existing Small Businesses
- Promotion of Unique Neighborhood Character
The study area for the planning initiative includes Mount Pleasant Street from Park Road to the north down to Hobart Street to the south, as well as Lamont Street, Park Road and Irving Street from 16th Street to Mount Pleasant Street.
Mount Pleasant Street Revitalization Open House-Style Workshop
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
6:30 pm to 8:30 PM
Bell Multi-Cultural School
3101 16th Street, NW (Cafeteria)
Se traducira en espanol
Bell Multi-Cultural School is located two blocks west of the Columbia Heights Metrorail Station (Green Line) and is on the S1, S2, S4, H8 and 42 bus lines. For transit information see www.wmata.com .
For information on the Mount Pleasant Street Revitalization Plan, contact Tarek Bolden, Ward 1 Neighborhood Planner, at the DC Office of Planning at [email protected] or (202) 442-7600.