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Office of Planning

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Monday, December 2, 2024

Job ID: 28356

Opening Date: 12/02/2024

Closing Date: 12/11/2024

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Job Summary

This position is in the Office of Planning (OP) in the Urban Design  team. OP has the lead responsibility for land use planning in the District of Columbia and provides the vision, framework and principles that guide land use change, growth, and development for an equitable and vibrant city. OP undertakes citywide and neighborhood planning and engagement, urban design and development review, historic preservation, mapping and data analysis, and serves as the official Census State Data Center. OP is the steward of the District's Comprehensive Plan, which advances housing, economic recovery, racial equity, resilience, and coordination of public resources and civic infrastructure.

The Urban Design team develops plans, design guidelines, renderings, visual depictions, and other tools to advance design quality, improve safety and walkability, improve equity outcomes, support environmental health, and reflect community character and a sense of place. Urban Design also reviews plans and projects developed by agency partners, other public entities, and private entities, with a focus on urban design, design excellence, beautification, resiliency, and the enhancement of the District’s public spaces. The team manages the public space program and reviews streetscapes, parks, and open space designs, as well as federal and District buildings and projects, zoning cases, large tract review cases, landscaping, streetscape elements, public art, signage, and commemorative works.

Duties and Responsibilities

The incumbent will be responsible for conducting technical and policy analysis, defining objectives, and formulating proposals and recommendations to develop comprehensive and well-informed strategies addressing urban design and community development challenges. Manages plans or projects from inception to completion, including drafting statements of work, managing diverse technical project teams, and budget control to ensure the successful execution of planning initiatives or projects. Identifies critical planning issues as they relate to the city, wards, subareas, neighborhoods, or specific projects, and recommends appropriate policy solutions or options for resolution. Proactively identifies and analyzes significant planning challenges and issues that affect different geographical areas within the community. Contributes to initiating surveys of land use; social, economic, and environmental conditions; transportation; housing and commercial development patterns; and other concerns or issues that may impact planning objectives and goals to gather essential data and information crucial for informed urban planning decisions.

The incumbent will represent OP at meetings of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions and other community organizations. Responds to short-term planning-related policy issues and works on interagency working groups or taskforces to facilitate meaningful engagement and representation in community matters. Ensures timely and effective responses to planning-related policy issues and collaborates internally with OP staff to develop plans, design studies, and guidelines, and review development proposals. Coordinates efforts with government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and private entities to enhance and beautify the District’s public realm, which includes park, environmental, and transportation systems.

Click here to learn more about the position and apply today.