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Commemorative Works Committee Special Meeting

Thursday, June 29, 2017
Public Notice

The DC Office of Planning will convene a special meeting of the Commemorative Works Committee (“Committee”) on Thursday, June 29, 10 am via a conference call. The Committee will review and approve the minutes from the June 15 meeting when it considered a commemorative work application to erect a bronze statue of the Honorable Marion S. Barry Jr. The commemorative work application has been submitted by the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities.

The Committee is established by the DC Commemorative Works on Public Space Amendment Act of 2000 to advise and recommend to the Mayor and the Council a disposition of each application to place a commemorative work on public space in the District of Columbia. There are 12 members on the Committee including nine government agencies and three citizen members. The Committee’s review and recommendation of the Marion Barry statue is one step in the review process needed for it to become a formal commemorative work.

Any person wishing to attend this meeting is invited to join the conference call:

Dial-in number: 866-717-9341
Participant passcode: 4863072

Interested parties may contact Chris Shaheen, Office of Planning, at (202) 442-7616 or [email protected] for more information.


1. Welcome/Introduction
Eric Shaw, Director, Office of Planning & Committee Chair

2. Review of June 15 Meeting Minutes
Chris Shaheen, Office of Planning & Committee Secretary

3. Committee Discussion/Action
Eric Shaw, Director, Office of Planning & Committee Chair