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Brookland CUA Metro Station Small Area Plan Public Hearing Scheduled for September 30

Friday, September 26, 2008

(Washington, DC) - The DC Office of Planning has scheduled the public hearing for the Brookland/CUA Metro Station Small Area Plan for Tuesday, September 30, from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm on the campus of Catholic University in the Gowan Hall Auditorium, at Michigan Avenue and John McCormack Drive, NE. Anyone interested can provide written or spoken testimony regarding the draft plan. All spoken testimony is limited to three minutes. Written and spoken testimony from the hearing, as well as all comments received during the public comment period, will carry equal weight when the Office of Planning forwards the draft plan to the DC Council. The public comment period ends Friday, October 10, 2008. A digest of all public comments will be compiled and submitted as an attachment to the draft plan when it is transmitted to the DC Council for their review. The Council will take the draft plan, as well as all public testimony and comments, under advisement. A Council hearing on the final draft of the small area plan will be scheduled in the near future.

Those wishing to testify at the public hearing should register before Tuesday, September 30, by contacting Deborah Crain, Ward 5 Neighborhood Planner, by phone at (202) 442-7615 or e-mail at [email protected]. Or you may contact Ashley Stephens, Program Assistant, at (202) 741-5240 or [email protected]

Public Hearing
Brookland/CUA Metro Station Small Area Plan
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Gowan Hall Auditorium, Catholic University
(Michigan Avenue and John McCormack Drive, NE)