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Office of Planning

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Maryland Ave. Small Area Plan


Through participation in the National Capital Planning Commission’s (NCPC’s) Southwest Ecodistrict initiative, the Office of Planning (OP) completed the Maryland Avenue SW Plan –after working with and obtaining input from government agency representatives, land owners, office workers, nearby neighbors, and transit and railway operators.

The Maryland Avenue SW Plan was initiated in February 2011 to study the feasibility of reconstructing a major missing link in the L’Enfant street grid, Maryland Avenue SW and creating a more diverse land use mix in the heart of the Southwest Rectangle, between the National Mall and Southwest Waterfront. The study area is located in Ward 6, and is bounded by 6th and 12th Streets, SW along the historic Maryland Avenue SW vista. The plan identifies the redevelopment opportunities, open space improvements, zoning tools, and the next steps necessary to achieve a vibrant residential mixed use corridor called for in the Comprehensive Plan.

OP provided a 30-Day Public Comment Period between December 16, 2011 and February 3, 2012, and hosted a Mayoral Hearing on February 1, 2012. A summary of public comments is posted online, along with the revised final plan.

For information regarding the plan contact Melissa Bird, Ward 6 planner, at (202) 478-1323, or [email protected]