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HPRB October 22, 2009

The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on October 22, 2009. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email.

Video archives of the hearing are accessible on the office website.


OCTOBER 22, 2009
The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on October 22, 2009.  Present for the entire meeting were: Elinor Bacon, Tersh Boasberg, Catherine Buell, Maria Casarella, Christopher Landis, Pamela Scott, Robert Sonderman, and Joseph Taylor. James Kane was present for the portions of the afternoon session.


Takoma Theater, 6844 4th Street, NW, HPA #09-380, concept/demolition, new construction.
The HPO requested that the Board reaffirm its position that razing the building is inconsistent with the purposes of the Act.  If the owner wishes to pursue the demolition by applying for a raze permit, the HPO requested that the Board allow the application to be forwarded directly to the Mayor’s Agent without returning for further review. Vote: 8-0 to adopt the staff report recommendation on raze; consensus support was expressed for the other staff recommendations.

3160 16th Street, NW, HPA #09-291, Mount Pleasant Branch D.C. Public Library, concept/addition— Continuation from September meeting for Board deliberation.  
The Board approved the proposal in concept as consistent with the character of the historic district and delegated further review to staff, in coordination with the Commission of Fine Arts review, with the direction that the applicant further develop the side yard to activate the space and provide more access to that space from the ramp.

Vote: 6-0. For: Boasberg, Buell, Casarella, Landis, Scott, Sonderman. Abstained: Taylor. Bacon was present for the discussion but took no part in the discussion and did not vote since she had not been present for the consideration of the case at the Board’s September 24th meeting.      

3430-32 Brown Street, NW, HPA #09-385, revised concept/alterations.
The Board recommended that the overall concept could be approved, including the construction of the front porch, and that further review would be delegated to staff, with the conditions that the proposed structural demolition is greatly reduced so as to not constitute demolition of the building in significant part; that the amount of paving is reduced to provide a single row of parking at rear; and that the front replacement windows are revised to be more compatible with the building.  Approved, 7-1. For: Bacon, Boasberg, Buell, Casarella, Scott, Sonderman, Taylor. Against: Landis.

Note: Mr. Kane joined the meeting at this time.

1016 T Street, NW, HPA #10-002, alteration/sandblasting, masonry repointing.
Since the damage from the sandblasting work cannot be repaired, the HPO recommended that the Board approve the following program of mitigation: (A) The cement mortar should be removed and repointed with an appropriate lime based mortar. The cement mortar must be removed with hand tools or the gentlest means possible. The new mortar should match the historic mortar in color, texture, tooling, and vapor permeability;  (B) Severely damaged bricks should be repaired and selectively replaced. Replacement bricks, either new or salvaged bricks, should match the historic brick in size, color, texture, and all other qualities; (C) The brick must be painted with a vapor permeable paint or a limewash, to provide some level of protection. Modern silicone based sealants, which inhibit water permeability, should not be used; (D)The work must be completed by a qualified, licensed contractor with experience completing similar work on 19th Century brick buildings. The applicant was present and agreed to the mitigation remedies listed above. The Staff Report was approved by a vote of 9-0.

1932 9th Street, NW, HPA #09-393, concept/new construction.
In a 9-0 vote, the HPRB approved the scale and mass of the building on 9-1/2 Street, and directed the applicant to restudy the fenestration, ensure that the occupied portion of the roof deck is pulled back from the street, and further work on the design to improve its visual interest.  In a 9-0 vote, the HPRB directed the applicant to restudy the design direction of the building on 9th Street to improve its compatibility with the surrounding context, particularly with regard to its height and scale.  The applicant was asked to provide a short summary of the project’s sustainability elements when resubmitted.   

1242 U Street, SE, HPA #09-430, alteration/roof addition.
The Board recommended denial of a permit application to construct the existing roof addition. Vote: 9-0.

447 Ridge Street NW, HPA #09-357, concept/new three-story, two-unit residence.
The HPO recommended that the Board approve the concept plan for the two- and three-story 3-unit condominium at 447 Ridge Street NW. HPO further recommends that final approval be delegated to staff on the following conditions: (A) A flag test shall be conducted and show the third floor will not be visible from Ridge Street NW; (B) The front ganged windows shall be a maximum of 2’-6” wide per unit, and (3)The front door shall be centered in its recessed bay and in line with the window above.
Further, HPRB decided that floor heights be adjusted to result in an overall height of 33 feet.  Vote: 9-0.

Note: Mr. Kane departed the meeting at this time

Proposed amendments to DCMR 10A, Chapter 23 “Standards for Window Repair and Replacement”.
The Board voted 9-0 to recommend publication of the proposed regulations in the DC Register for comment.  At the conclusion of the comment period, the regulations will return to the HPRB for discussion and deliberation.

Proposed amendments to DCMR 10A, Chapter 2 “Procedures for Historic Landmark and Historic District Designation”.
The Board heard testimony on the proposed regulations and asked the staff to provide a summary and response to the issues raised for presentation at a future HPRB meeting. No vote was taken.


The Historic Preservation Review Board considered the following consent items on October 22, 2009.  The items proposed for approval by the Board based upon the written record, without discussion, were approved by a vote of 8-0.

Strand Theater, 5129-31 Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue, NE, HPA #09-431, concept/alterations, subdivision, construction of adjoining structure.  
The HPO recommended that the Board approve the proposal in concept, with the condition that the storefront openings on either side of the corner entrance be restored with appropriate projecting bays, and that further review be delegated to staff.

2235 14th Street, SE, HPA #09-417, reconstruction and extension of house.
The HPO recommended that the Board support the application but delegate to staff for final adjustment and approval of the details.

2237 14th Street, SE, HPA #09-418, new residence on vacant lot.
The HPO recommended that the Board support the application but delegate to staff for final adjustments to and approval of the details.

649 A Street, SE, HPA #09-425, concept/rear addition.
The HPO recommended that the Board approve the concept as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and delegate final approval to staff.

1347 Constitution Avenue, SE, HPA #09-377, concept/rear addition.
The HPO recommended that the Board approve the concept as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and delegate final approval to staff with the following conditions: (A)The existing stone retaining wall across the front yard be retained and repaired, with the chain link fence removed; (B)The existing cast iron steps leading from the sidewalk to the front yard and from the front yard to the entry door be retained and restored, or replaced in-kind if needed.

501 8th Street, SE, HPA #09-422, concept/storefront alteration.
The HPO recommended that the Board approve the concept as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and delegate final approval to staff with the following conditions: (A) The applicant continue to discuss with staff the use of a partially/fully retractable awning or an awning that could be removed in its entirety as seasonally appropriate; (B) The applicant restudy the depth and width of the trash enclosure to make it as minimal as possible.

711 D Street, NW, HPA #10-005, concept/new façade on non-contributing building.
The HPO recommended that the Board approve the design of the new facade with delegation of details to staff.


1923 12th Street, NW, HPA #09-427, concept/façade restoration, rear addition.  
The HPO recommended that the Review Board approve the conceptual design and delegate final review to staff.