The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on May 22, 2008. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email.
MAY 22, 2008
The Historic Preservation Review Board met and considered the following items on May 22, 2008.
The Harrison (Canterbury), 704 3rd Street, NW: concept/eleven-story office addition.
The Review Board approved the project in concept. Vote 8-0.
1501 9th Street, NW, HPA #08-279: concept/new construction, four-story building.
The Review Board adopted the staff report approving the basic design concept for a four-story building with projections. Areas cited for additional study and development include the cap on the corner tower, screening the parking area from public view, the design of the rear and north walls, providing further distinction between the retail and residential portions of the building, and the use/design of balconies atop the projections. The applicant was directed to continue working with the staff and return to the Board for preliminary approval when appropriate. Vote 8-0.
2841 29th Street, NW, HPA #08-245: revised concept/two-story rear addition.
The Review Board recommended approval of the proposed width and depth of the addition with the exception of requesting that the bay be eliminated and the materials restudied to express more of an informal, frame vocabulary. Vote 5-3.
715 East Capitol Street, SE, HPA #08-280: alteration/rear and side addition.
The staff report recommended the Board approve the project in concept as consistent with the Historic Protection Act. Final approval delegated to staff with direction to study the details of the side addition. Vote 8-0.
Western Union Telegraph Company Tenley Site, 4623 41st Street, NW, Case #08-05.
The Review Board designated the property a District of Columbia landmark and requested that the nomination be forwarded to the National Register of Historic Places. Vote 8-0.
National Permanent Building, 1775 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Case #08-06.
The Review Board denied the application to designate the property a District of Columbia landmark. Vote 5-3.
George M. Barker Company Warehouse, 1525 7th Street, NW, Case #08-07.
The Review Board designated the property a District of Columbia landmark and requested that the nomination be forwarded to the National Register of Historic Places. Vote 8-0.
William L. Slayton House, 3411 Ordway Street, NW, Case #08-08.
The Review Board designated the property a District of Columbia landmark and requested that the nomination be forwarded to the National Register of Historic Places. Vote 7-0.
MAY 22, 2008
The Historic Preservation Review Board considered the following consent items on May 22, 2008. These items were proposed for approval by the Board based upon the written record, without discussion. The Consent Calendar was approved by a vote of 8-0.
Historic Landmarks
L’Enfant Plan, 100 Block of L Street, NW: street closing/referral from Office of the Surveyor.
The staff report recommended the Board report to the Surveyor that the proposed street closure and rededication is consistent with and represents an enhancement of the historic character of the L’Enfant Plan.
Anacostia Historic District
1337 Valley Place, SE, HPA #08-153: revised concept/construction of two-story house.
The staff report recommended the Board approve the project in concept and delegate to staff further review to address outstanding issues and to review brick samples and information on the doors, columns, roofing, etc. If the applicant agrees to the conditions, staff recommends approval on the Consent Calendar.
Blagden Alley Historic District
1215 Blagden Alley, NW, HPA #08-282: concept/alteration to non-contributing garage.
This item was removed from the Consent Calendar at the request of ANC 2F. This case is deferred until the June meeting.
Capitol Hill Historic District
903 North Carolina Avenue, SE, HPA #08-243: alteration/addition.
The staff report recommended Board approval of the project in concept and delegate final approval to staff.
225 9th Street, NE, HPA #08-239: demolition of garage, construction of new garage.
This item was removed from the Consent Calendar.
Dupont Circle Historic District
1727 Church Street, NW, HPA #08-276: concept/roof access structure and rear addition.
The staff report recommends the Board approve the project in concept as consistent with the Historic Protection Act and delegate final approval to staff.