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HPRB March 26, 2009

The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on March 26, 2009. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email.

Video archives of the hearing are accessible on the office website. 


MARCH 26, 2009

The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on March 26, 2009.  Present: Present: Andrew Aurbach, Elinor Bacon, Tersh Boasberg, Catherine Buell, Maria Casarella, James Kane, Robert Sonderman, Joseph Taylor, John Vlach.


The Historic Preservation Review Board considered the following consent items on March 26, 2009.  The items were proposed for approval by the Board based upon the written record, without discussion. Approved: 9-0.


637 South Carolina Avenue, SE, #09-125, concept/extend existing third story.
The HPO recommended that the Board approve the concept as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and delegate final approval to staff.

237 8th Street, SE, #09-143, concept/rear addition.
The HPO recommended that the Board approve the concept, with the following conditions and delegate final approval to staff: 1)the applicants retain the existing floor joists and structural members of the walls and roof, less those that will be removed at the rear for the addition.  This retention should be evidenced clearly on final construction drawings, including submission of a building section drawing and complete demolition plans, as a condition of final approval; 2)should the windows and doors and their respective frames need to be replaced due to mold, the applicants should work closely with staff in making the replacement selections.


3210 Macomb Street, NW, HPA #09-126, concept/one-story rear addition. This case was removed from the Consent Calendar. It will be heard by HPRB on April 23, 2009.  

3010 Ordway Street, NW, HPA #09-141, concept/new front porch.
The HPO recommended that the Board approve the porch replacement in concept as directed in the staff report and delegate final approval to staff.



1666 Connecticut Avenue, NW, HPA #09-036, concept/enclosure for sidewalk café.
A motion to adopt staff report denying enclosure as incompatible with the historic district was approved by a vote of 8-1. For: Aurbach, Bacon, Boasberg, Casarella, Kane, Sonderman, Taylor, Vlach. Opposed: Buell.

(Note: Board Member Catherine Buell departed, leaving eight board members present for the next case.)


3211 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, HPA #08-156, concept/subdivision, creation of new lot at 3118 Quebec Place and relocation of house at 3211 Wisconsin to new lot.
The HPO recommended that the Review Board approve the proposed relocation and subdivision in concept, contingent on the development of a relocation plan that ensures the building’s integrity during the move and results in a full and complete rehabilitation of the property in its new location.

The Board approved a motion to deny moving house to new lot by a vote of 5-1. For the motion: Bacon, Boasberg, Sonderman, Taylor, Vlach. Opposed: Aurbach. Recused: Casarella, Kane.

 (Note: Board Member James Kane departed, leaving seven board members present for the remainder of the cases)

321 6th Street, SE, HPA #09-046, revised concept/rear addition.
The HPO recommends that the Board approve the concept, with the following conditions, as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and delegate final approval to staff: 1)the roof slope and resulting overall height of the south elevation should follow the revised plans submitted to HPO on 3/12/09; 2) the south elevation, overlooking the neighboring yard, should be clad in wood siding. The Board also stated a directive for restudy of the roof height to see if it could further be minimized by reducing the slope.
Vote: Approved the staff report, 7-0.


1213 4th Street, NW, HPA #09-107, concept/new 3-story, 2-flat residential building.
The HPO recommends that the Board withhold concept approval at this time, direct the applicant to revise the design according to the following conditions, and to submit revised concept drawings of sufficient detail and accuracy: 1) the window widths be increased to reduce the amount of masonry and achieve a proportion closer to 1:1 of glazing to brick; 2) a non-masonry cornice approximately 3 feet tall with a projection of 2 feet  be added at the top of the front façade that includes bracket-like elements that significantly demarcate the three bays of the façade; 3) the height of the main entry header be raised approximately 18” and all first floor windows  be raised an equal amount so that headers stay aligned, but overall window height does not change. Staff Report adopted with one modification – #2 - the applicant is not restricted to non-masonry materials for the cornice. Vote, 7-0.

438 Ridge Street, NW, HPA #09-147, concept/add third floor rear to 2-story residence.
The HPO recommends that the Review Board deny the addition of a third floor as incompatible with the height and mass of the row, and that the Board encourage the applicant to seek relief from existing zoning restrictions in order to accommodate their desired program. Staff Report adopted,  7-0.
