The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on March 22, 2012. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email.
Video archives of the hearing are accessible on the office website.
March 22, 2012
The Historic Preservation Review Board met and considered the following items on March 22, 2012.
Present: Catherine Buell, Chair; Rauzia Ally, Andrew Aurbach, Maria Casarella, Graham Davidson, Gretchen Pfaehler, Nancy Metzger, Robert Sonderman, and Joseph Taylor.
Park Road Courts, 1346 Park Road, NW, Case #11-09.
The HPRB approved the staff report, designating the apartment building, Park Road Courts at 1346 Park Road, N.W. as a historic landmark to be entered in the D.C. Inventory of Historic Sites and recommended that the application be forwarded to the National Park Service for listing in the National Register of Historic Places under the Multiple Property Document: Apartment Buildings in Washington, D.C., 1880-1945. Approved 9-0.
1349 Kenyon Street, NW, Case #11-10.
The HPRB approved the staff reported, denying the application to designate the apartment building at 1349 Kenyon Street, NW as a historic landmark, and did not recommend forwarding the application to the National Park Service for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Approved: 9-0.
Florida Avenue at 9th and 8th Streets, NW (multiple addresses), HPA #12-159, concept/new construction and building relocation.
The Board approved the staff report, finding the following aspects of the concept to be compatible with the character of the historic district and consistent with the purposes of the preservation act: (1) relocation of the front, original section of 1933-35 9th Street to the southern portion of the site, adjacent to the row of similarly-sized and scaled historic buildings, and removal of the later rear additions; (2) reconfiguration of the alley on the western parcel to exit on 9th Street; (3) subdivision to allow lot combination on both the west and east sites; (4) overall site organization of the new construction; (5) height and massing along Florida Avenue; (6) general architectural direction, subject to further development and material selection. The Board made a number of suggestions for further study, specifically asking the applicants to study reductions in height and mass at the southern ends of the two buildings to improve the transition to the adjacent smaller scale rowhouses. The Board asked that the applicants continue working on the designs, materials and articulation of the proposal and return for further review when appropriate. Motion approved: 7-0; Buell and Casarella recused.
919 U Street, NW, HPA #12-208, concept/construction of one-story restaurant.
The Board determined the proposed conceptual design to be consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and delegate final approval to staff. Motion approved: 9-0.
926 N Street, NW, HPA #12-260, concept/new construction, five-story apartment and retail building.
The Board approved the staff report, finding the concept for a new 14-unit residential building with the 50 foot height, massing and form as proposed to be compatible with the historic district and consistent with the purposes of the preservation act. The Board made a number of suggestions for the applicants consideration and asked the project return to the Board after further development of materials and components. Motion approved: 8-0 (Ally absent).
700 Constitution Avenue, NE, HPA #12-150, concept/rear addition and façade alterations.
The Board found the concept to be consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and instructed the applicants to consult further with the community on outstanding issues prior to final approval by staff. Vote: 6-0 (Sonderman and Metzger recused; Ally absent).
1321-1323 Constitution Avenue, NE, HPA #12-260, concept/rear and rooftop additions.
The Board approved the concept as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and delegated final approval to staff. Vote: 7-0 (Metzger recused; Ally absent).
700 A Street, NE, HPA #12-263, replace stained glass windows in church.
The Board advised the Mayor’s Agent that the permit application for replacement of the existing stained glass windows with clear glass is not consistent with the purposes of the preservation law or with the window standards included in the preservation regulations. Vote: 8-0 (Ally absent).
First Church of Christ, Scientist, 1770 Euclid Street, NW (pending landmark), HPA #12-209, revised concept/nine-story rear addition for hotel.
The Review Board heard testimony on the project, and continued the meeting until the April 26th HPRB meeting.
The HPRB approved the following items on the consent calendar, 9-0:
1239 Good Hope Road, SE, HPA #12-249, addition to two-story commercial building.
1625-31 14th Street, NW, HPA #12-257, revised concept/rehab of four buildings and seven-story addition; renewal of previous concept.