The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on June 22, 2006. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email.
JUNE 22, 2006
The Historic Preservation Review Board met and considered the following items on June 22, 2006.
First African New Church, 2101 10th Street, NW, #06-240, revised concept/addition.
Revised design for 10th Street elevation approved; additional work requested on V Street to bring it more in line with 10th Street. Board approved staff recommendation, with additional comments, Vote 6-0.
Eastern Market, 225 7th Street SE, HPA #06-179, revised concept/alterations.
Approved project per staff report as amended to include no false wall in the south wall. Instructed applicant to install a 1:1 scale mock up of HVAC equipment for inspection by HPRB members. Commented that number of ADA entryways are beyond HPRB jurisdiction. Vote 6-0.
1900 Vermont Avenue, NW, HPA #06-178, concept/new construction.
Applicant directed to make a number of refinements to the design, including improving the proportions and restudy of the corner tower. Board adopted staff recommendation with additional comments, and requested applicant return for further review when appropriate. Vote 6-0.
The Harrison (The Canterbury), 704 3rd Street NW, HPA #06-xxx, concept/subdivision, addition.
Staff Report adopted by the Board. Project approved in concept with recommendation to revise plans for the rooftop pergola and continue to develop the plan. Vote 5-0
Ulysses S. Grant School (School Without Walls), 2130 G Street, NW, #06-236, concept/addition.
Project approved in concept by adopting staff report that recommends restudy of the façade, in particular, the east addition to simplify the rhythm of the façade elements. Vote 6-0.
Blaine Mansion, 2000 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, #06-325, concept/addition.
The applicant was directed to pull the addition farther away from the mansion and to minimize the link connecting the two structures to allow the mansion to appear freestanding. The curb cut on Mass. Ave. immediately adjacent to the mansion not approved. The Board adopted staff recommendation with
additional comments. Vote 6-0.
1225 Connecticut Avenue (1225 18th Street), NW, HPA #06-310, concept/alteration.
Board approved staff report requesting applicant return with revised concept plan that reconsiders
the tower and improves the relationship with the buildings to the south. Vote 5-0.
1830 18th Street, NW, HPA #06-282, concept/new construction.
The applicant was directed to simplify building’s program and façade that is overblown and disproportional to the site. The Board adopted staff report and recommendations, with additional comments. Vote 6-0.
1745 Swann Street, NW, HPA #06-319, concept/addition.
Review of this project was deferred to the July HPRB Hearing.
JUNE 29, 2006
The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on June 29, 2006, continuing its meeting of June 22, 2006.
Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company Warehouse, 1111 North Capitol Street NE, HPA #06-280,
concept/demolition, alteration, addition.
Board instructed applicant to work with staff to improve massing and reduce square footage to respect Landmark structure. Applicant will return to the Board with revisions at a later date. Vote 6-0.
1000 F Street, NW, HPA #06-339, concept/demolition, alteration, addition.
Applicant instructed to continue design development with staff and return to the Board at a future date. No objection to engaged penthouse. Applicant to reconsider cornice design. Vote 6-0.
George Washington University/Foggy Bottom Campus Historic Preservation Plan.
Informational presentation by GWU officials. No vote taken.
Written public comments accepted by HPRB through July 21 for further review at the July 27 meeting at which time the Board may take action and refer comments to the Zoning Commission for consideration. Comments may be sent to: Tersh Boasberg, Chairman, Historic Preservation Review Board, 801 N. Capitol Street, NE, Suite #3000, Washington, DC 20002 or via e-mail to: [email protected].
JUNE 22, 2006
The Historic Preservation Review Board considered the following consent items on June 22 and June 29, 2006. These items were proposed for approval by the Board based upon the written record, without discussion.
Capitol Hill Historic District
1377 North Carolina Avenue, HPA #06-326, illegal construction, rear addition.
Project approved. However, board members expressed concern regarding applicant exceeding scope of original permit. Vote 6-0.
Downtown Historic District
475 H Street, NW, HPA #06-324, concept/rooftop addition and front and rear alterations.
Project approved without comment. Vote 6-0.
Shaw and Blagden Alley Historic District
1124 9th Street, NW, HPA #06-192, concept/alteration.
Project approved without comment. Vote 6-0.