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HPRB January 27, 2011

The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on January 26, 2011. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email.

Video archives of the hearing are accessible on the office website.


January 27, 2011

The Historic Preservation Review Board met and considered the following items on January 27, 2011. Present:  Catherine Buell, Chair; Elinor Bacon, Tersh Boasberg, Maria Casarella, Christopher Landis, Robert Sonderman, and Joseph Taylor.  Absent:  Pam Scott.  



Engine Company 22/Truck Company 11, 5760 Georgia Avenue, NW, Case #02-05.
Engine Company 27, 4201 Minnesota Avenue, NE, Case #02-10.
Engine Company 31, 4930 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Case #02-16.
Engine Company 16/Truck Company 3, 1018 13th Street, NW, Case #02-17.
Fire Alarm Headquarters, 300 McMillan Drive, NW, Case #02-19.

The Historic Preservation Review Board designated the five properties as historic landmarks to be entered in the D.C. Inventory of Historic Sites and to be forwarded for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.   Vote: 7-0.

3409 Woodley Road, NW, HPA #11-102, concept/side and rear additions, site alterations.
The Board passed a motion to approve the rear addition and front window modification as designed (6-0), adopted a second motion directing the applicants to work the side addition into the overall scope of the project in a less visible location and more compatible manner and to delegate final approval to staff (4-2, Buell and Landis dissenting).  The Board deferred taking action on the driveway at the applicant’s request, and recommended that the staff conduct a study of the widths of driveways in Cleveland Park to provide additional guidance and context for the applicants and Board to consider.  Casarella recused.

Samuel Bryan House, 2025 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, HPA #11-110, concept/rear alterations and site work.
The Board passed a motion to approve the conceptual design for the exterior rehabilitation and alterations as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act, and delegate final design approval to the staff.  The HPRB encouraged the applicants to reconsider their decision to alter the original hall.  Vote: 6-0 (Casarella recused).

Italian Embassy, 2700 16th Street, NW, HPA #10-495, revised concept/alterations, construction of apartment building addition.
The Board passed a motion to approve the overall conceptual design for new construction, with additional refinement and study be given to the 16th Street elevation of the north wing, and directed the applicants to continue working with the staff on design development. Vote: 6-0 (Sonderman absent)

Washington Hilton Hotel, 1919 Connecticut Avenue, NW, HPA #08-309, revisions to approved concept for new apartment building addition.  
The Board passed a motion to approve the refinements to the concept plans and delegated final approval to the staff contingent on the development of landscape plans and an on-site materials mockup for review.  Vote:  6-0 (Sonderman absent).

1720 16th Street, NW, referral from Board of Zoning Adjustment regarding curb cut and drive in public space for proposed Republic of Congo embassy.
The Board passed a motion finding the proposed curb cuts and creation of a circular driveway in public space at 1720 16th Street, NW to be inconsistent with the purposes of the DC Historic Landmark and Historic District Protection Act, and directed the staff to convey the motion to the Board of Zoning Adjustment.  Vote:  6-0 (Sonderman absent).


The HPRB passed a motion (7-0) approving the following items on the consent calendar:

41 A Street, SE, HPA #11-106, concept/second-story addition atop one-story rear wing.

3028 Newark Street NW, HPA #11-076, concept/two-story rear addition and deck.
