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HPRB January 24 and January 31, 2008

The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on January 24 and January 31, 2008. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email.


JANUARY 24, 2008

The Historic Preservation Review Board will meet to consider the following items on January 24, 2008.

Old Engine House 10, 1341 Maryland Avenue NE, Case #02-03.
The staff report recommended the Board designate Old Engine House No. 10, 1341 Maryland Avenue, NE, a District of Columbia landmark.  Further, that the application be forwarded to the National Register of the Historic Places with a recommendation that the property meets the National Register criteria for designation as of local significance. Vote: Designated, 7-0.

Uline Arena and Ice Plant, 1130-50 3rd Street NE, HPA #08-125, concept/alterations.
The Board approved the conceptual design with minor modifications for further study as outlined in the staff report, and delegated final approval to staff.  Vote: 7-0.

1316 9th Street NW, HPA #08-112, concept/alterations and addition
The Board approved a modified proposal for a two-story addition, directed the applicant to work with staff on assessing the feasibility of retaining (rather than demolishing and reconstructing) the two-story carriage house, and delegating final approval to staff.  Vote: 6-1.

612 E Street SE, HPA #08-122, concept/addition.
This case was withdrawn at the request of the Applicant.
National Cathedral School, 3609 Woodley Road NW, HPA #08-085, concept/alterations,  new construction.
The Board approved the general concept for alterations to two non-historic buildings on the National Cathedral School campus, and directed the applicant to study alternatives for window replacement for a third building and the new gazebo/security booth and landscaping; final approval was delegated to staff.  Vote: 7-0.  

2446 20th Street NW, HPA #08-036, roof and rear addition.
The Board approved the project as designed with delegation to staff for final permit approval. Vote: 7-0.


1346 28th Street NW, HPA #08-072, two-story rear addition.
The staff report recommended the Board approve in concept the two additions, with a delegation of permit review of the rear addition to staff and the referral of permit review of the side addition back to the Commission of Fine Art at the Commission’s request. No vote was taken.

1320 31st Street/3100 Dumbarton Street NW, HPA #08-082, underground garage.
The staff report recommended the Board approve the proposal in concept. Vote: Approved, 6-0.

Armed Forces Retirement Home Historic District, Case #08-02.
The staff report recommended the Board designate the Armed Forces Retirement Home-Washington—also known, over time, as the Military Asylum, the Soldiers’ Home, the United States Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home—a District of Columbia historic district.  In addition to serving the purpose of aligning National Register designations in the District with local designations, this designation is intended to extend Historic Preservation Review Board conceptual and permit review authority to the privately financed and controlled development that is anticipated to take place on the campus (see associated staff report on the master plan, etc.). Vote: Designated, 6-0.

Armed Forces Retirement Home, Proposed Master Plan and Programmatic Agreement.
 This hearing will continue on January 31, 2008.

JANUARY 31, 2008

The Historic Preservation Review Board met and considered the following items on January 31, 2008.
906 G Street SE, HPA #08-077, concept/roof addition.
The Review Board adopted the staff report and approved the addition and new construction with the following condition: 1) the sides (east & west) of the addition should be clad in brick. Final approval was delegated to staff. Vote: 7-0.

1709 Irving Street NW, HPA #08-121, front basement entrance.
The Review Board postponed a vote on the matter until the February hearing. The Board requested staff and the applicant provide additional information on the prevalence of basement entryways in the Mount Pleasant Historic District.

1714 Irving Street, NW, HPA #08-120, front basement entrance.  
The Review Board postponed a vote on the matter until the February hearing. The Board requested staff and the applicant provide additional information on the prevalence of basement entryways in the Mount Pleasant Historic District.

1663 Newton Street NW, HPA #08-140, demolition of garage.
The Review Board adopted the staff report requiring the reconstruction of the garage; the Board also expressed concern over alterations to the building including the replacement of a slate roof not approved by the Board. The applicant was directed to return to the Board at a future date for final approval. Vote: 7-0.

3403 Rodman Street NW, HPA #07-452, concept/alterations, rear and side addition.
The Applicant requested the hearing be delayed until the February meeting. No vote was taken.

3500 Newark Street NW, HPA #08-129, concept/alterations and side addition.
The Review Board adopted the staff report and approved the proposed alterations with the following conditions: 1) the side (west) porch should be of a rectangular shape; 2) the second story window above the main entrance should be retained. Final approval was delegated to staff. Vote: 7-0.

503 U Street, NW, HPA #08-099, enclosures of front meter boxes.
The staff report recommended that the Board not approve a permit for the enclosures. Vote: 6-0 to approve recommendation of report.

Armed Forces Retirement Home, Proposed Master Plan and Programmatic Agreement.
This hearing was continued from January 24.  The staff report requested the Board adopt recommendations as guidance to AFRH and to itself for the purpose of the design and review of the components that will implement the plan. Vote: Approved, 6-0.    


JANUARY 24, 2008

The Historic Preservation Review Board met and considered the following consent items on January 24, 2008.
All were proposed for approval by the Board based upon the written record, without discussion. All items were approved by the Review Board based upon the written record by a vote of 7-0.

Anacostia Historic District
1620 U Street, SE, HPA #08-138, concept/two-story house.
The staff repot recommended the Board approve in concept the proposal with recommendations and delegate final review to staff.

Capitol Hill Historic District  
104-110 North Carolina Avenue, SE, HPA #06-486, revised concept/addition and landscape plan.  
The staff report recommended the Board approve the landscape design and delegate final approval of the addition and landscaping to staff.

214 10th Street, SE, two-story rear addition.
The staff recommended the Board approve the project in concept and delegate final approval to staff with the understanding that the owners must address the illegal window and door installation before receiving final approval to move forward with the addition.

LeDroit Park Historic District
319 T Street, NW, HPA #08-102, two-story rear addition.
The staff report recommended the Board approve the addition as presented.

Mount Vernon Square Historic District
471 New York Avenue, NW, HPA #07-410, revised concept/new construction.
The staff report recommended the Board approve the revised concept and direct the applicants to continue working with staff on design development.

600 Butternut Street, NW, HPA #08-096, two-story rear addition with side porch.
The staff report recommended the Board approve the addition as designed and delegate permit approval to staff.

Proposed Chapter 25 to DCMR 10A:  “Standards for Signs, Awnings, Canopies, and Marquees”
The regulations were approved as presented without comment.


JANUARY 31, 2008
The Historic Preservation Review Board met and considered the following Consent items on January 31, 2008.
All were proposed for approval by the Board based upon the written record, without discussion.  Vote  7-0.

The Howard Theater National Register listing amendment, 620 T Street, NW, Case #08-03.
The staff report recommended that the Historic Preservation Review Board approve the amended nomination to the National Register of Historic Places for the Howard Theater.  Staff further recommended that the amended nomination be forwarded to the National Register of Historic Places with the recommendation that the property meets the National Register criteria for designation at the national level.  

Downtown Historic District
671 10th Street, NW - St. Patrick’s Church, HPA #08-136, concept/side addition.
The staff report recommended the Review Board approve the addition as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and delegate final approval to staff.

Mount Pleasant Historic District
1757 Harvard Street, NW, HPA #08-109, rear addition.
The staff report recommended the Review Board approve the addition as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and delegate final approval to staff.
