The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on January 22, 2009. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email.
Video archives of the hearing are accessible on the office website.
JANUARY 22, 2009
The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on January 22, 2009. The meeting was held at 441 4th Street, NW (#1 Judiciary Square) in Room 220 South, beginning at 10:00 a.m. Present: Andrew Aurbach, Elinor Bacon, Catherine Buell, Maria Casarella, James Kane, and Robert Sonderman, and John Vlach. Absent: Tersh Boasberg.
Proposed revisions to Chapter 2, Designation of Historic Landmarks and Districts, DC Historic preservation regulations (DCMR 10A)
The Board endorsed the publication of the proposed revisions in the D.C. Register for a 30-day public comment period. The Board made several suggestions for the proposed revisions and will hold a hearing on the proposal during the public comment period. Vote: 8-0.
1400 – 1418 U Street and 1914-1944 14th Street, NW, HPA #08-033, revised concept/garage door and curb cut for nine-story apartment building.
The Review board approved the staff report accepting the design of the garage door as presented. Vote: 5-2. For: Bacon, Buell, Sonderman, Taylor, Vlach. Opposed: Aurbach, Kane. Recused: Casarella.
1919 16th Street, NW, alteration/masonry pointing.
1306 8th Street NW, HPA #06-230, revised concept/new construction.
The Review Board approved the revised conceptual design for a four-story apartment building and delegated final construction plan approval to the staff. Vote: 8-0.
JANUARY 22, 2009
The Historic Preservation Review Board considered the following consent items on January 22, 2009. The items were proposed for approval by the Board based upon the written record, without discussion. The Consent Calendar was approved by a vote of 8-0 with one additional comment for 1340 Massachusetts Avenue, SE.
Historic Landmarks
3108 Convent of Bon Secours, 4101 Yuma Street, NW, HPA #08-366, preliminary/additions.
The staff recommended that the Board approve the preliminary application and delegate further review to staff, on the condition that issues raised in the staff report are addressed.
Capitol Hill Historic District
218 5th Street SE, HPA #09-043, rear addition and deck.
The HPO recommended that the Review Board approve the proposed addition as consistent with the purposes of the Preservation Act.
1340 Massachusetts Avenue SE, HPA #09-099, concept/conversion of St. Monica’s Church to condos.
The Review Board approved the work in concept and that proper traffic studies be undertaken in the alley to ensure it meets DDOT standards. The Review Board delegated final approval to staff.
138 D Street, SE, HPA #09-071, concept/one-story rear addition with covered porch above.
The HPO recommended that the Board approve the concept as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and delegate final approval to staff.
246 10th Street, NE, HPA #09-098, concept/two-story rear addition.
The HPO recommended that the Board approve the concept as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and delegate final approval to staff.
Cleveland Park Historic District
3108 33rd Place NW, HPA #09-089, concept/expand roof towards rear and increase dormer size.
The HPO recommended that the Review Board approve the proposed addition as consistent with the purposes of the Preservation Act and delegate final approval to the staff.
Georgetown Historic District
2915 Dumbarton Street, NW, HPA #09-095, concept/ rear addition.
The staff recommended that the Board approve the project in concept and delegate further review to staff.
Mount Pleasant Historic Districts
1833 Park Road, NW, HPA #09-100, concept/one-story rear addition.
The staff recommended that the Board approve the project in concept and delegate further review to staff.