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HPRB December 19, 2013 and January 9, 2014

The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on December 19, 2013 and January 9, 2014. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email.

Video archives of the hearing are accessible on the office website.


Present: Gretchen Pfaehler, Chair; Rauzia Ally, Andrew Aurbach, Maria Casarella, Graham Davidson, Nancy Metzger, Robert Sonderman, Joseph Taylor and Charles Wilson. 
Rosedale, 3501 Newark Street, NW, HPA #14-086, concept/new construction.
The Board adopted the staff report and requested further study of the pool location. 
Town Center East, 1001 and 1011 3rd Street SW, HPA #13-394, revised concept/two apartment towers and landscape plan. 
The Board found the revised concept to be consistent with the purposes of the preservation act, with the direction that the storefronts should be further simplified to more closely relate to the fenestration elsewhere on the building and that the connector element between the new and existing Pei building should be further simplified and minimized.  Final approval was delegated to staff.  Vote: 8-0 (Wilson absent) 
1921-23 14th Street, NW, HPA #13-568, revised concept/alterations to two  historic buildings, nine-story apartment building addition.
The Board found the revised rear elevation, top floor fenestration, Wallach Place infill element, and storefront reconstruction to be improved and compatible, but found the cantilever over the historic building, the extent of projection on the 14th Street elevation, and the horizontal design quality of the north elevation to be incompatible with the character of the historic district.  The Board asked that the compositions be revised and simplified.  Vote: 8-0 (Wilson absent)
1618 Q Street NW, HPA #13-625, concept/rear and roof addition to rowhouse.
The Board found that the demolition was too excessive, that more documentation is needed to review the project, and that further communication with the neighbors and ANC needs to be done.  The Board voted to defer the case.  Vote: 8-0 (Sonderman absent)
905 16th Street NW, HPA #13-324, concept/nine-story side addition. 
The Board found the proposed concept compatible with the character of the historic district and consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and: (A) Found the overall massing and elevation composition to be compatible; (B) Encouraged the architect to more boldly express the façade as the elevation is further developed, (C) Encouraged the architect to restudy the bay proportions and the canopy size and detailing; and (D) Requested that the architect maintain the same type of glazing as existing at the new FACP room.
The Board delegated final approval to staff.  Vote: 8-0 (Sonderman absent)
1526 U Street SE, HPA #13-384, revised two-story rear addition.
The Board found the proposal compatible with the character of the historic district and of the subject property and recommend that the permit application be cleared, with the conditions that (A) the vinyl siding be removed from the main block, as indicated by the drawings, and the wood siding be refurbished and repainted as necessary; (B) the rear addition be sided with wood (or fiber-cement lapped boards) to match the exposure of the original siding on the main block, but be distinct from the main block, and that this siding return around and cover the west side wall along the common property line; (C) the addition’s front door and transom be of wood; (D) the window casings and corner boards match the siding material, not wrapped; (E) the windows on the front and side of the addition be all wood or of one of the acceptable alternatives (such as the Andersen Renewal Fibrex composite window or the Marvin Infinity fiberglass window); (F) there be no new or replaced electric meters on the front of the house; and (G) that any new or replaced mechanical equipment be placed on the ground in the side or rear yard.  The Board also recommended the possibility of an alternative massing, namely that the applicant could essentially turn the addition 90 degrees, if he chooses, so that it is a little narrower (narrower, in fact, than the main block) and a little deeper.  Vote: 8-0.
 407 Independence Avenue SE, HPA #14-082, concept/two-story rear addition.
The Board found the proposed concept compatible with the character of the historic district and consistent with the purposes of the preservation act. They also advised the applicant to work with staff to modify the detailing on the addition’s façade so that it reads as a secondary to the main house and explore reducing the width of the addition if possible. The Board also requested the applicant provide details on the landscape at the front of the house and explore modifying the proposal so that the roofline can be maintained. They requested that the project return on the consent calendar at the next Board hearing.   Vote: 8-0 
1600 7th Street, NW, HPA #14-038, revised concept/one-story beer garden.
The Board found the concept proposal to be insignificantly revised since its last appearance before the Board, and shall appoint an ad hoc group of no more than three (3) Board members to consult directly with the applicant for the purposes of recommending revisions to the design to achieve compatibility with the Shaw Historic District. Vote:  6-1 (Aurbach, Sonderman absent).
Present: Gretchen Pfaehler, Chair; Rauzia Ally, Andrew Aurbach, Graham Davidson, Nancy Metzger, and Charles Wilson.  Absent: Robert Sonderman, Maria Casarella, and Joseph Taylor.
1837 12th Street NW, HPA #13-617, revised concept/roof addition.
The Board found the proposed addition compatible with the character of the historic district and  consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and delegated final approval to staff with the following conditions (A) consideration should be given to setting back the third floor at the rear at least 2 feet; (B) the cornice on the addition should be eliminated at the front and simplified if used on the rear; and (C) the applicants should continue to work with the HPO on details of the façade restoration.  Vote:  5-0 (Wilson absent).
1442 T Street NW, HPA #14-095, concept/rear and roof addition. 
The Board found the proposed concept incompatible with the character of the historic district and inconsistent with the purposes of the preservation act and made comments on how a compatible addition might be designed. Vote: 6-0.
1835-37 Wyoming Avenue NW, HPA #13-623, concept/rear and roof addition.
The HPO Board found the proposed concept compatible with the character of the historic district and consistent with the purposes of the preservation act, with the exception of the fourth floor.  The Board directed the applicant to further study ways to reduce or integrate the rear stair and continue to work on the rear grade issues.  Vote: 6-0.
The Board approved all of the following items on the consent calendar on December 19 by a vote of 9-0, with the exception of 3211 Wisconsin Avenue HPA (#13-612), which was approved 7-2 (Davidson and Casarella dissenting).
Hecht Company Warehouse, 1401 New York Avenue NE, HPA #13-065, concept/window replacement and alterations.
Woodley (Maret School), 3000 Cathedral Avenue NW, HPA #14-088, concept/additions.
761 10th Street SE, HPA #13-549, concept/rear addition and two story garage.
3608 Ordway Street, NW, HPA #14-087, concept/rear addition.
3545 Porter Street NW, HPA #14-xxx, concept, rear addition.
3211 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, HPA #13-612, revised concept/building relocation, new construction.
1642 Irving Street NW, HPA #14-079, concept/rear, third-story addition on three-story house.
1821 Vermont Street NW, HPA #14-081, concept/rear addition