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Benning Road Corridor Redevelopment Framework Main Page


The Benning Road Corridor Redevelopment Framework Plan, approved in 2008, includes all property fronting Benning Road from Southern Avenue to Bladensburg Road. This plan is part of the Great Streets Initiative which combines public realm investment, strategic land use plans and economic development assistance to improve the physical, economic and safety condition of the District's major corridors. The plan builds upon efforts of the government, the community and the private sector along Georgia Avenue to increase local neighborhood livability and create a new environment that stimulates private investment and neighborhood revitalization.

In developing the plan, the Office of Planning worked with a steering committee made up of representatives from the community as well as City elected officials. Five community meetings were held to provide information and receive input from the broader community. In October 2008, OP released a draft plan for a 30 day public review and held a mayor’s hearing to receive testimony on the draft plan. OP responded to comments received and presented a revised plan to the Council for approval on May 20, 2008. The plan was approved on July 15, 2008 through Resolution 17-0879. Archival information on the public engagement process, hearing transcript, and public comment responses can be requested through the project manager.