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Creative Placemaking Neighborhoods

Creative Placemaking Neighborhoods

 “Crossing the Street: Building DC’s Inclusive Future through Creative Placemaking” is an initiative designed to promote community-building in neighborhoods that are experiencing change. OP is spearheading projects in 15 locations across the city to foster civic interaction and engage residents in a conversation about the future.

The selected locations meet some or all of the following criteria:

  • Experiencing rapid demographic and social change or barriers to opportunity;
  • Identified in recently completed District plans or studies for arts and culture uses, revitalization and/or creative placemaking investments
  • Identified in recently completed DDOT livability and/or transit corridor studies for public space and/or safety improvements

OP has selected a diverse set of curators to work with neighborhood stakeholders and deliver projects in all eight wards of the city. To ensure Crossing the Street projects are truly local, the curators are identifying and defining the community “canvas,” the spatial and cultural backdrop for each of their creative placemaking interventions. Projects may be of varying scales, and locations may include public as well as private properties and spaces. All creative placemaking interventions are temporary in nature and expected to be implemented by December 2016. A list of neighborhoods and curators is below.

              Neighborhood                                                            Curator

  1. Anacostia-Barry Farm-Hillsdale                                          Building Community [bc] WORSHOP & LISC
  2. Mid-City East                                                                           Van Alen Institute
  3. Pleasant Plains-Lower Georgia Ave                                   The Pink Line Project
  4. Ivy City                                                                                       Building Community [bc] WORSHOP & LISC
  5. Downtown Ward 7                                                                 Gehl Studio
  6. Bellevue                                                                                   Gehl Studio
  7. Van Ness-UDC                                                                       Ward 8 Arts & Culture Council
  8. Southwest                                                                               Youth Playwrights’ Theatre
  9. U Street-Shaw                                                                        Funk Parade
  10. Adams Morgan                                                                      TBD
  11. Brightwood-Petworth-Park View                                        WABA & Street Plans
  12. Walter Reed-Upper Georgia Ave                                       Cultural DC
  13. Trinidad-Gallaudet-Florida Ave Market                             Van Alen Institute
  14. Central 14th Street                                                               TBD
  15. Shaw                                                                                      Pleasant Plains Workshop