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Connecticut Avenue Development Guidelines

On September 28, 2023, the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) unanimously voted to approve the Connecticut Avenue Development Guidelines following an 18-month public planning process. HPRB approved the Connecticut Avenue Development Guidelines as a tool for the Board’s use in their review of development applications for architectural compatibility with the historic districts. 

The Connecticut Avenue Development Guidelines set a framework for integrating mixed-use development into the Woodley Park and Cleveland Park Historic Districts to support the need for housing at various income levels and household sizes. They do this while sustaining a thriving commercial corridor and enhancing the public realm for residents and visitors. 

The Connecticut Avenue Development Guidelines are part of a broader Rock Creek West Corridors Planning Initiative. They implement land use and housing policies outlined in the District’s Comprehensive Plan and the 2021 Rock Creek West Roadmap. 

View the Connecticut Avenue Development Guidelines.

Related Studies

Woodley Park and Cleveland Park Public Life Study

Connecticut Avenue Development Guidelines: Infrastructure Assessment